
др Драган Матић
ванредни професор
Ужа научна област: Информационе науке и биоинформатика (развој софтвера)
Катедра: Катедра за рачунарске и информатичке науке
Кабинет: 29
дипломирани математичар
Природно-математички факултет Нови Сад2001
мастер математичар
Природно-математички факултет Нови Сад2008
доктор математичких наука
Математички факултет Београд2013
- Увод у веб технологије
- Основи програмирања 2
- Информационе технологије и друштво
- Методика наставе рачунарства
- Интеракција човјек-рачунар
- Биоинформатика (биологија – мастер)
Научни радови у часописима:
- Cartwright, J.H., Čejková, J., Fimmel, E., Giannerini, S., Gonzalez, D.L., Goracci, G., Grácio, C., Houwing-Duistermaat, J., Matić, D., Mišić, N., & Mulder, F.A. (2024). Information, Coding, and Biological Function: The Dynamics of Life. Artificial Life, pp. 1-12.
- Borojević, S., Matić, D., & Dragić, M. (2022). An Integrated Intelligent CAD/CAPP Platform: Part II – Operation Sequencing Based on Genetic Algorithm. Tehnički vjesnik, 29(5), 1686-1695.
- Djukanović, M., Kartelj, A., Matić, D., Grbić, M., Blum, C., & Raidl, G. R. (2022). Graph search and variable neighborhood search for finding constrained longest common subsequences in artificial and real gene sequences. Applied Soft Computing, 108844. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2022.108844.
- Nikolic, B., Djukanovic, M., & Matic, D. (2022). New mixed-integer linear programming model for solving the multidimensional multi-way number partitioning problem. Comp. Appl. Math., 41, 119.
- Predojević, M., Đukanović, M., Grbić, M., & Matić, D. (2021). Can Greedy-like Heuristics Be Useful for Solving the Weighted Orthogonal Art Gallery Problem Under Regular Grid Discretization? International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computing, 5(2), 77-85.
- Grbić, M., Crnogorac, V., Predojević, M., Kartelj, A., & Matić, D. (2021). Supportness of the protein complex standards in PPI networks. Journal of Information and Telecommunication, pp. 1-21.
- Kartelj, A., Grbić, M., Matić, D., & Filipović, V. (2021). The Roman Domination Number of Some Special Classes of Graphs. Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, pp. 1-20.
- Grbić, M., Matić, D., Kartelj, A., Vračević, S., & Filipović, V. (2020). A three-phase method for identifying functionally related protein groups in weighted PPI networks. Computational Biology and Chemistry, 86, 107246.
- Kratica, J., Matić, D., & Filipović, V. (2020). Weakly convex and convex domination numbers for generalized Petersen and flower snark graphs. Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina, 61(2), 441-456.
- Grbić, M., Kartelj, A., Janković, S., & Matić, D. (2019). Variable neighborhood search for partitioning sparse biological networks into the maximum edge-weighted $k$-plexes. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 17(5), 1822-1831. doi: 10.1109/TCBB.2019.2898189.
- Maksimović, Z., Kratica, J., Savić, A., & Matić, D. (2018). Solving the Multidimensional Maximum Bisection Problem by a Genetic Algorithm and Variable Neighborhood Search. Multiple Valued Logic and Soft Computing, 31(4).
- Matić, D., Kratica, J., & Filipović, V. (2017). Variable Neighborhood Search for solving Bandwidth Coloring Problem. Computer Science and Information Systems, 14(2), 309–327.
- Matić, D. (2014). A mixed integer linear programming model and variable neighborhood search for maximally balanced connected partition problem. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 237, 85–97.
- Matić, D. (2012). Variable neighborhood search approach for solving Maximum Set Splitting Problem. Serdica Journal of Computing, 6(4), 369-384.
- Matić, D., Kratica, J., Filipović, V., & Dugosija, Đ. (2012). Variable neighborhood search for multiple level warehouse layout problem. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 39, 161–168.
- Filipović, V., Kartelj, A., Matić, D., & Dugosija, Đ. (2013). An electromagnetism metaheuristic for solving the Maximum Betweenness Problem. Applied Soft Computing, 13(2), 1303–1313.
- Matić, D., & Božić, M. (2012). Maximally balanced connected partition problem in graphs: application in education. The Teaching of Mathematics, 15(2), 121-132.
- Matić, D. (2010). A genetic algorithm for composing music. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, 20(1), 157-177.
- Matić, D., & Kratica, J. (2011). Solving the minimum edge-dilation k-center problem by genetic algorithms. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 113, 282-293.
- Milanović, M., Matić, D., & Kratica, J. (2011). Two metaheuristic approaches to solving the p-ary transitive reduction problem. Appl. Comput. Math., 10(2), 294-308.
- Matić, D., Kratica, J., Filipović, V., & Dugosija, Đ. (2012). Variable neighborhood search for multiple level warehouse layout problem. EURO Mini Conference XXVIII on Variable Neighbourhood Search, H. Novi.
- Brđanin, D., Hajdar, A., Kasapović, S., Konjicija, S., Matić, D., Mujačić, S., & Vejzović, Z. (2014). Comparative Analysis of Computer Science Study Programs At Universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Proceedings of the ICeE 2014.
- Bajić, D., Trbić, G., Matić, D., Lastrić, I., & Ivanišević, M. (2015). Geographic information management system for review and registration of ecological risks in the environment. 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Tinos, Greece.
- Grbić, M., Kartelj, A., Matić, D., & Filipović, V. (2017). Partitioning biological networks in k-plex subnetworks with maximum edge weights (poster). 3rd Symposium on Non-Globular Proteins, Košice, Slovakia.
- Grbić, M., Kartelj, A., Matić, D., & Filipović, V. (2017). A local search based heuristic for clustering large biological networks into highly connected components (poster). First Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia.
- Grbić, M., Janković, S., Matić, D., & Pavlović-Lažetić, G. (2018). Conditional Random Fields based approach for classification of the reactants in some metabolic reactions (poster). Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference, Belgrade, Serbia.
- Matić, D., Grbić, M., Kartelj, A., Janković, S., & Filipović, V. (2018). On clustering large biological networks into dense components (poster). US-Serbia & West Balkan Data Science Workshop, Belgrade, Serbia.
- Grbić, M., Kartelj, A., Matić, D., Janković, S., & Filipović, V. (2018). A heuristic approach for clustering metabolic networks into highly connected components (poster). 4th Symposium on Non-Globular Proteins, Druskininkai, Lithuania.
- Matić, D., & Grbić, M. (2020). Partitioning Weighted Metabolic Networks into Maximally Balanced Connected Partitions. 19th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH), East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Grbić, M., Crnogorac, V., Predojević, M., Kartelj, A., & Matić, D. (2020). How well are known protein complexes supported in PPI networks? International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA), Novi Sad, Serbia.
- Crnogorac, V., Grbić, M., Đukanović, M., & Matić, D. (2021). Clustering of European countries and territories based on cumulative relative number of COVID 19 patients in 2020. 20th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH), East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Zec, T., Kartelj, A., Đukanović, M., Grbić, M., & Matić, D. (2021). Statistical analysis of correlation between weather parameters and new COVID-19 cases: a case study of Bosnia and Herzegovina. International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA).
- Jaguzović, M., Grbić, M., Đukanović, M., & Matić, D. (2022). Study of the correlation between obesity and the development of severe forms of COVID-19. 22nd International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH), East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- TABLA пројекат: Пројекат општег образовања у Босни и Херцеговини, Save the Children – USAID, 2019-2023
- CA19135 – Connecting Education and Research Communities for an Innovative Resource Aware Society, COST Action EU Project 2020-2024
- Развој метода вјештачке интелигенције за рјешавање проблема рачунарске биологије, Министарство за научнотехнолошки развој, високо образовање и информационо друштво, 2020-2021
- Развој и примјена метода комбинаторне оптимизације и метода машинског учења у биоинформатици, Министарство за научнотехнолошки развој, високо образовање и информационо друштво, 2019-2020
- Унапређење основног учења и образовања у Босни и Херцеговини / Enhancing and Advancing Basic Learning and Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina (ENABLE-BiH), Save the Children – USAID, 2017-2020
- Non-globular proteins in molecular physiopathology, COST Action EU Project, 2015-2019
- School-to-Work Transition for Higher education students with disabilities in Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro, ERASMUS+ project, 2015-2018
- Joint EU/CoE Project: Strategic Development of Higher Education and Qualification Standards, 2013-2014
- Topological methods in discrete geometry and combinatorics, Ministry of Science and Technology, Republika Srpska, 2014
- Combinatorial methods in topology and their application on the Tverberg’s problems, Ministry of Science and Technology, Republika Srpska, 2015-2016
Развој софтвера и консалтинг
- TABLA – projekat opšteg obrazovanja u Bosni i Hercegovini 2019-2024, pozicija ekspert za matematičku i informatičku oblast
- Enable BiH – Унапређење основног учења и образовања у Босни и Херцеговини 2016 – 2018, позиција експерт за математичку и информатичку област
- Partnership for innovation – lectures in programming, 2014-2015
- NORBOTECH – NORwegian-BOsnian TECHnology Transfer based on Sustainable Systems Engineering and Embedded Systems in the fields of Cloud Computing and Digital Signal Processing, 2012
- ELLECTRAWEB (FP6 project) (European Electronic Public Procurement Application Framework in the Western Balkan Region), EC project, 2007
- eHIGICO – Improving Governance and Interethnic Cooperation in BiH through eHealth, 2009
- IHI4RS – Improving Health Inclusion in Republic of Srpska, 2007
- eGovernment Portal of Republic of Srpska, 2007
Објављени уџбеници
- Драган Матић, Увод у програмирање кроз програмски језик C, Природно-математички факултет, 2018.
- Марко Ђукановић, Драган Матић, Увод у операциона истраживања, Природно-математички факултет, 2022.